Cetti´s Warbler (Cettia cetti) Rouxinol-bravo

A small, dumpy, reddish-brown resident with more often than not a Wren-like cocked tail that one hears anywhere there is a hint of water, be it rivers, lakes, ponds, marshes, ditches, drainage channel, etc etc.

The Cetti's' loud explosive song can be heard from any of the above, but can you see it? Once in a blue moon, yes, but ninety-nine times out of a hundred that's all you'll get, for it keeps itself well hidden in the thickest of bushes, low down to the ground and apparently invisible.

However, since I built the Quinta's hide in Santa Clara, we regularly have good views.

Joomla Gallery makes it better. Balbooa.com

Birding in Portugal

Quinta do Barranco da Estrada
7665-880 Santa Clara a Velha

Email :
Phone : (+351) 283 933 065
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Whatsapp : (+351) 938 386 326
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